Monday, January 4, 2010

new year, new resolutions?


i wish i could think more positively. i mean, it never really crossed my mind that im truly happy of myself. i guess i am never happy of what i am. there's a huge part of me i'd like to banish. i wish i could be like someone else.

the only thing i ever succeed in is my education. i consider myself in a class high above from many, yet i never really feel happy about it. perhaps it's bcoz im doing something i have to do, not what i want to do.

i know i could turn back to what i am really passionate about, but i think it's kinda late. i am not young anymore and i need to earn money to live. so i have to pick up whatever in front of me and not look back.

i never had serious thoughts about my future. i had blurry images of what i wanted to be. perhaps i am yet to know what i truly want in life.

i guess i just need to carry on with what i have now.



  1. darling...

    have more friends and meet more friends,

    have a happy life-laugh-go shopping, and if education makes u happy, enroll the new courses-or, maybe its time to continue with master-phd...its a whole new year darling- u deserve a treat.

    happy new year!

  2. thanks.

    well i have lots of friends but i still feel lonely. i have no problem with education, in fact im now doing phd. but it didn't make me happy.

    i don't know. maybe i need someone to cheer my life up ;P

    happy new year to you too suf!

  3. ohh darling i'm proud to hear that u're doing ur PhD.

    maybe the stress-so-makes-u-empty, i can tell- i did mine in Columbia uni in NY. the 1st year -SUCKS-with course-works-no life but the 2nd & 3rd is where i meet & live with my MEN.

    cheer up darling...have some1, accept at least 1
